Key Zoning Assessments, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions: Zoning Due Diligence
(click attachment for answers)
Conformance Status
What does the property conformance status mean?
What makes a property Legally Nonconforming?
What does it mean to my transaction if the property is Legal Nonconforming?
Why is the property Nonconforming and not Legal Nonconforming?
Why do I need a zoning assessment instead of just a zoning verification letter?
The Key Zoning Assessment (KZA)
Why does the KZA not include landscaping, sign, or ADA compliance/ conformance?
Why does the assessment say “Indeterminate”?
Why does the assessment say “Subject to striping of additional parking”
Why does it seem like zoning is always the last due diligence item?
Why is a due date not provided for the zoning assessment?
Common Questions: Municipal Zoning Documents
(click attachment for answers)
Zoning Verification Letters
What is a Zoning Verification Letter?
What information does it provide?
Why do they sometimes take so long?
Why does KZA classify the site as legal nonconforming but the zoning verification letter states there are no legal nonconformities?
Zoning and Building Code Violations
What does violation research include?
What happens if the property has an open violation?
Certificates of Occupancy
How are Certificates of Occupancy (CO) issued?
Is the absence of a CO a violation?
What is the difference between CO and Certificates of Compliance or Certificates of Completion?
How can a property be illegal Nonconforming, but the property was granted a CO?
Condemnation and Fire Code Violations
Why does KZA charge extra for this information?
What is condemnation?
Common Questions: Property Information
(click attachment for answers)
What information is helpful to KZA when ordering?
Street address(es) (essential)
Tax parcel identification number(s)
Legal description
Date of construction
Previous survey
Prior zoning letters/municipal documents
KZA will inform you if a municipality requires specific information to process the request
What information does KZA need to complete analysis (by use)?
Shopping center/office
Apartment complex
Assisted living/retirement faciliteis
Medical offices/center
Mobile home communities